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Center for Fiction PresentsSHH! (Saturday Happenings Here!)

A Staged Reading of 'MORE WEIGHT' by Kyle A. Smith 

Aug 20 2022 - 5:30-7:30pm 

The Center for Fiction invited playwright Kyle A. Smith to shared new work as part of their "Shh..!  This Marlee & Kyle's first collaboration, after being long-time fans of one another's work. The event is free to the public. Proof of Vaccine needed. Hard Copies of the script will be provided by Kyle & Marlee for accessibility purposes. Cast includes the talent of: Bec Everett, Belgys Felix, Lucas Iverson, Max Roll and Susanna Stahlmann. Stage Manager/Asst. Dir. Matthew Pezzulich. 

Event Info Here:

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Adelphi University Fall Arts Festival 2021

Resilience, Reflection, Rebuilding  Connection: Healing Through the Arts

"What does resilience mean in 2021? What does it mean to rebuild connection? How do we reflect on the past year and heal as a community?With the incoming first-year theatre students, we will explore these questions through an original devised piece to be performed live.This ensemble-based piece will be 15-20 minutes in length and shared outside the front of the Performing Arts Center (PAC) on October 6th at 4:00pm. We hope to see you there to celebrate and share in the Fall Arts Festival with us!"

- Marlee Koenigsberg

Read More Here:

Image: Adelphi Fall Arts Festival Program with list of the events in small black font, heading reading"Fall Arts Festival Wednesday October 6, 2021 Event Schedule Sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences; in orange, pink and green colors. At the bottom it reads "Rain Date October 13." and "Adelphi University" logo appears in yellow/gold.

Image 2: Adelphi actors are standing and sitting on a gray granite circle outside the Performing Arts Building, green trees and a gray building with windows is in the background. The actors are wearing face masks, and looking at a woman in a blue t-shirt in the left side of the image, the woman is looking out/ahead. 


Roundabout Directors Group

Marlee is honored to be an inaugural member of Roundabout Director's Group. In this group of early career and emerging director's Marlee is one of 12 members to be selected and invited to participate in Roundabout Theatre Company's pilot program 2019-2020, led by Miranda Haymon and Jill Rafson.  




Image: Roundabout Theatre Company, Artists in Residency Page 

Image Description: On a dark purple background in white letters at the top of the image, reads: ROUNDABOUT DIRECTORS GROUP. Beneath the lettering are individual headshot images from the shoulders up of all 10 directors. Under the photographs, at the bottom of the page, in white font lists their names which reads as: "Top Row L to R: Kathleen Capdesuñer, V. Greene, Kayla Stokes, Liza Couser, Santiago Iacinti, Rebecca Aparicio. Bottom Row L to R: Esther M. Cohen, Dominique Rider, Marlee Koenigsberg, Rory Pelsue, Lauren Kiele DeLeon,   

Cristina Angeles.   

Westport Country Playhouse - 2015 
While working as WCP's Directing Fellow where she also served as Production Dramaturge for Mark Lamos' production of Broken Glass by Arthur Miller. Actress Angela Reed mentions her in this article as "a fantastic dramaturge [...] That's been really great because she has given us so much source material to constantly be going back and looking through.
Full Broadway World Interview here:

​The Chautauqua Young Readers Program  - 2013 & 2014 

In 2013 & 2014, Marlee worked as an Artistic Associate for Chautauqua Theatre Company where she helmed the company's artistic involvement with the institution's Young Readers program. Marlee staged and brought to life original works based off of the children's reading club book selections, for children ages roughly 6-10 (though she did have a four year old audience member attend Romeo & Juliet!). 

Young Readers' Romeo and Juliet Project Interview by The Chautauqua Daily, 2013 

Young Readers' Wonder Interview by The Chautauqua Daily, 2014

The Chautauqua 'Fore Play: Pre Show Discussions - 2014

While working at Chautauqua Theatre Company, Marlee participated in crafting the pre-show discussions for theatre patrons and led all discussions as the Artistic Associate & Production Dramaturg for the CTC 2014 Season. 

Here's a bit on the 'Fore Play Discussions:

Press From The Signal Season of Dummy Hoy - 2014 

"...The Signal Season of Dummy Hoy is an admirable achievement.” 

NY Theatre Now Review  by Sergei Burbank

“…And the authors and director of Dummy Hoy excel in the scenes that marry theme and action, that reflect the weakness of conventional speech and sound to create meaning…” 
Review by Scott Klavan

“[Captioning] allows for the inclusion of all audience members while still giving them the space to interpret what they see…” 
StageBuddy Review By Carly Mento


The Signal Season of Dummy Hoy -- Interview By Reviewfix

Sports and Theatre Announcement Article 

Press from The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde - 2014  


"…a truly unique and impacting experience..” StageBuddy By Carly Mento


Announcement from


Announcement from 

Daily Motion News Coverage of 'Jekyll & Hyde' in Celebration of NYDT's 35th Year
View Clips of Rehearsal

The Chautauqua Late Night Cabaret - 2013 

While working at Chautauqua Theatre Company as the Directing Fellow in 2013, Marlee directed the final production of the season: the Late Night Cabaret.

Read about it here:

© 2021 Marlee Koenigsberg 

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